Study Program
General Information
The duration of study in the Master’s Program leading to the receipt of the Master’s Degree is defined in three (3) semesters during which the students attend Courses and prepare a Master’s Thesis, if they choose to do so. After the three semesters have passed, the student is automatically expelled. With the consent of the supervising professor and decision of the Assembly of the Theology Department, a six-month extension of studies is granted, following a relevant request of the postgraduate student.
Students have the right, upon application, to join the part-time study program. In this case, the student may attend either two (2) courses during the first and second semesters and one (1) course during the third and fourth semesters, or respectively one (1) course during the 1st and 2nd semesters and two (2) courses during 3rd and 4th semesters (total ECTS does not change)
Postgraduate students may also be granted, upon submission of a relevant application, a temporary suspension of studies, which cannot exceed two (2) consecutive semesters. During the suspension, the graduate student loses his student status. The time of the suspension is not counted towards the maximum duration of regular studies.
The educational process includes the systematic monitoring (at a distance) of the Master’s Courses during the two semesters of the Program and the preparation of a Master’s Thesis (if this is chosen) which must be completed during the third semester of studies.
Each postgraduate student is required to successfully attend six (6) semester-long compulsory courses in cycles [sixty (60) ECTS] of which three (3) in the first semester and three (3) in the second semester. Each Master’s Course includes three hours of teaching per week and at least 3 hours of research and corresponds to ten (10) ECTS. The attendance of the courses by the students is carried out remotely (either hybrid, or through the Zoom digital platform), as well as the presentation of the progress of the THESIS, which takes place no later than the middle of the third semester.
Curriculum Courses
First Semester
1. Introduction to the science of Slavonology. Methodological issues of research.
3 credit hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. Il. Evangelou, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
2. History of the Slavic world and long-standing relations with Hellenism
3 credit hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. P. F. Sofoulis
3. Issues of language and literature of the Slavic world and Greek influences
3 credit hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. Pol. Gkoranis
Second Semester
1. Aspects of Slavic culture and art and its long-standing relations with Hellenism
3 credit hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. G. Hatzouli, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
2. Greek and European spiritual and religious currents and the world of the Slavs
3 Hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. P. Yfantis, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
3. Political and religious developments in modern times
and modern Slavic world
3 credit hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. Athanasiadis, Assistant Professor, A.U.Th.
Third Semester
1. Topics of modern and contemporary history of the Balkans and SE Europe
3 credit hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. Vl. Stanković, Professor
Belgrade University
2. Tangible and intangible Balkan culture and digital applications
3 credit hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. Georgios Fouzas, LTS. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
3. The World of the Balkans and SE Europe. Research and Educational Projects (Research and Educational Projects)
3 Teaching hours, 10 ECTS
Course Coordinator
Dr. Ilias Evangelou Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Alternatively, students may choose to complete a Postgraduate Diploma Thesis during the third semester of their studies.