Regulations and Guides

Regulations and Guides

The organization and operation of the Program is basically governed by the following regulations and guides:

Government Gazette Establishing the MSc

Internal Regulation of Operation

Regulation on Complaints Management

For any issue that is not specified by these regulations, the Director and the Coordinating Committee of the MSc as well as the General Assembly of the Department of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki are responsible for its settlement.

In addition, the MSc has developed auxiliary guides and documents such as the MSc Study Guide and the Guide for the Preparation of Dissertations in order to facilitate and inform its postgraduate students and prospective postgraduate students.

Students' obligations and rights


The students of the MSc are obliged to carry out their educational and examination obligations in accordance with these regulations, the Academic Calendar and the timetable.

They must respect and comply with the decisions of the MSc bodies and academic ethics.

Students may cooperate with the teaching and research staff for their educational and research needs on days and times announced by the lecturers at the beginning of each academic semester. They may also address the Dean and the President of the Department on matters within their remit.

Students have the right to use the facilities, library, reading rooms and other equipment of the Department for the purpose of implementing the MSc in accordance with the relevant regulations and in consultation with the staff.

Students shall apply for vouchers, which, according to the legislation in force, may be granted by the Department, by means of applications submitted electronically to the Department’s Secretariat.

Students, through their legal representatives, have the right to actively participate in the administrative activities of the collective bodies of the Department, contributing to the organisation and operation of its educational procedures.

For the rights of students regarding student care (food, accommodation, health care, scholarships, teaching materials, student ticket vouchers) the applicable national legislation applies. (see

Academic Ethics

The faculty members, other teaching and administrative staff and students form an academic community of high standards and objectives, dedicated to the production, promotion and dissemination of knowledge.

Academic ethics should be an obvious component and at the same time a distinctive identity of this community.

The behaviour of all members of the academic community must be aimed at making the university a model of coexistence and cooperation, governed by mutual respect and refusing any form of discrimination.

The Department of Theology promotes and upholds the academic ethos of civility, respect, fair and equal treatment regardless of gender, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, sexual preference.

It rejects all forms of violence, insult, unequal treatment. It looks forward to the cooperation of all for its proper functioning, for the care and protection of its premises, its auditoriums and classrooms, its library, its movable and immovable property.

Postgraduate Diploma Theses shall be carried out exclusively by the postgraduate students who have undertaken them, otherwise the student shall be deleted. In the case of students who have already obtained a Master’s degree, this shall be revoked by decisions of the competent bodies.

Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Plagiarism is the copying of someone else’s work, as well as the use of someone else’s work – published or not – without proper attribution. The citation of any documentary material, even from the candidate’s own studies, without reference, may constitute grounds for a decision by the Assembly of the Department concerned to expel the candidate.

In the above cases, and following a reasoned recommendation from the supervising professor, the Assembly of the relevant Department may decide to remove the candidate.

Any misconduct or violation of academic ethics and morality is referred to the Coordination Committee of the MSc for judgment and recommendation for addressing the problem to the Department Assembly. Offences of copying or plagiarism and, in general, any violation of the provisions on intellectual property by a postgraduate student during the writing of coursework or the preparation of a postgraduate thesis are also considered as offences.

The disciplinary control of faculty, other teaching and administrative staff and students is governed by the relevant legislation.